Ganoderma is popularly known by some people because it is expensive than gold. Because this is a rare kind of mushroom that can be sold for thousands of dollars. As a matter of fact, King Qin Shi Huang wasn’t able to find such mushroom in ancient times. There were also some beliefs that as long as you have this mushroom, you will live forever. This type of mushroom was also described in Li Zhen’s book, “The Compendium of Materia Medica”, it is a kind of vegetable under the Lingzhi family that can be used in cooking food and making medicines. No wonder that the people in Sichuan Chengdu village was very much excited that their countrymen had found such strange but precious thing. The mushroom weighs more than 9 kilos with a length of 40 cm. It can eventually bring anyone instant wealth. Experts from the Tianjin Oriental Medicine Institute states that the said mushroom has some components like polysaccharides, proteins, fats, amino acids, and other important elements. Currently, each gram of it actually costs $39,000 or equivalent to P2,035,800.
It was really a great blessing to find such precious thing on your own, especially when you learned that the thing you have found that was really strange at first was actually more expensive than gold. And for a fisherman like him, it can really do a lot of things for him and for his family if they decided to sell it.
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